Good Mornin’! (TobyMac!) {Feb 9, 2015}

Hullo Wurld! 
Hhhhow are you?! I’m doing fine and dandy here in Arizona…I mean Idaho….There has been a CRAZY heat wave. Highs in the 50s. What the. We’re using AC in the car. 
Chemical burn from whitening strips…ew
another one of the photo things my parents asked for…

Me with a bone at the Teton Dam sight…ew

annndd an envelope from Sister King….I would show you the drawings she sent but my camera died.

This week we had Korean food (it was good. Not like Takamatsu back home, but for Driggs, Idaho? Not bad!)
We lost two investigators due to parents not wanting us to teach them anymore, but we gained one back due to parents wanting to come back to church! Wow!
I’m happy and doing well. My thought this week is more of a reminder to myself than anything…

You see. I know that my time is ticking, I know I will be home soon, but that doesn’t really matter. There’s a reason I have these last few weeks left on my mission. There’s someone I need to talk to for a life to be changed. Maybe I just need it. Maybe I’m the one that needs the last weeks. Or maybe someone needs me. I don’t know. All I know is I can’t slow down or give up just because I’m nearly there. 
Have a great week everyone! I love you!
Sister Gale

Jedis and Elders {August 4, 2014}

Dear People of the World that read this,

I forgot to put this in last week but…
“What do mint chocolate chip ice cream, grass, and my new companion have in common? They’re all GREEN!!” Copyright Sister King 2014
But not really. You hear trainers say all the time that their greenie is training them or that they came pre-trained. Usually they’re not being literal. But I am. Seriously. Sister Whalen. My home girl from California. She’s already trained and she’s such a good missionary! She’s been out for three and a half months already but she has this thing DOWN. She’s pouring gasoline on this area (not literally).
This is what an old planner looks like next to a new one…


They get all puffy and dirty! Ew. 

Random Sister King cartoon from before she left me for Montpelier…
umm. Ugly moth.

​And day old kitten!!! 🙂



Quote from Caden H.
“Working out is my alcohol and sore muscles are my hang over”
(He’s wanting to be an amateur body building. Funny kid.) I love it when people act all tough and whatever but they’re just big softies. It entertains me every time.
We went on another Blitz this week. This time in the Elders’ area. We met a really cool guy that gave us a coupon thing for a free pizza at his pizza shop. FREE FOOD. yes. He was super prepared. Totally ready to be baptized I think.
We helped out at the Ammon Days thing. That was fun. I learn a little martial arts and broke a board. No big deal. The elders decided to break the board. with their heads. Elders…seriously. A couple of the elders got beat up by a 15 year old jedi kid in a sword fight thing. Funniest thing of my life. I can’t even begin to tell y’all what that looked like. I told the kid not to go easy on them, he said he only tries hard on his master. He still beat the snot out of the elders. Don’t worry. They’re mostly okay 🙂
Yeah. That was pretty much my week.
This week I’m doing a Mormon Message as my thought….
So yesterday our District Leader had some Young Women he wanted to go with us. We didn’t have appointments and we couldn’t go into the area where we were planning on going to, so we stayed in a different neighborhood. This neighborhood doesn’t have as much work as our others so we just needed houses to visit. We weren’t having much luck. So we prayed! And prayed and prayed and prayed. Finally one of the girls spoke up and said she might know of someone we could try to visit. So we went to the house ANDDDD no one was home. (Sad trombone sound). But then that cul-de-sac she took us to was one of mostly none members. So even though they weren’t home, we had other houses to try. Life is like that sometimes. Sometimes we are lead to areas we think are not helpful or answers to prayers, but it turns out that they were! They were a blessing in disguise. I love you all and hope everything is FANTASTIC this week!
Sister Gale

I am a Sunday-Saturday Warrior {July 28, 2014}

​Dear Huy Fong Foods (the Makers of Sriracha Sauce),

A couple of weeks ago I was bored. I had paper and stamps and the address to the food company Huy Fong Foods….so I wrote them. AND THEY WROTE ME BACK.
​Probably one of the proudest moments of my mission. Not really. But I was entertained. The letter was really boring. But I don’t even care.
Saw some goats…
Tried taking a selfie but the kids wouldn’t let me. It took a few tries. Turns out I do not look very good with a full on beard….who knew?
There were some really pretty clouds…?
Annnddd No Outlet on Disney…

But yeah! This week was awesome. On Thursday we got a little call from our Mission President. I’m not leaving Ammon because…
I’m going to be a mom!!! Yeah!!! I can’t wait. I’m excited and scared. I cannot mess this sister up. She is going to be the best darn tootin’ missionary the IPM has ever seen!!! I’ll miss my friend Sister King though. She’s going down to Montpelier (aka the Celestial kingdom in Idaho apparently). She’ll probably have a car. No big deal. 
Then I don’t remember much from Friday….But Saturday!! Our District decided to have a *Blitz in our area and let me just tell you that there were MIRACLES. Well first of all I think the secret to missionary work is cool accents. I went on splits with Sister Latu from New Zealand. She’s awesome. First door we knocked was a referral that we’ve been told for the last month or so to hold off on. We went anyways. And I’m pretty sure they’re golden. It’s a family and they were SO HAPPY to finally see us! They were leaving for dinner, but the daughter to going to Covenant Camp (no idea what that is. All I know is that we’re teaching a couple of workshops for it), but she’s going to that and so they want some basic knowledge of the gospel. Exciting! Then we went to another neighborhood and tried knocking on a door that we saw the elders wrote down to try and visit. Nothing there (no one was home), but in the yard of one of the nearby houses a bunch of kids were playing so we went over to them and asked who they knew in the neighborhood that wasn’t a member. The kids start naming off some people, but one kid, we’ll call him S., raised his hand. He said he’s gone to church before and really liked it. Then another kid ran inside S’s house to ask S’s mom if they’d like to meet with us (awesome mini-member-missionary). The mom said yes, but not that night. So we set up a return appointment and left S with a Book of Mormon. S’s friend told him about the story of the Strippling Warriors and then all the boys told S they’d read with him anytime. These kids are awesome. Someone needs to get them some candy or something. Amazing!! I’m so excited for this area. It’s catching on fire and my greenie will LOVE it here.
Sunday we taught Gospel Principles and I played my flute at the temple visitor’s center firesides. It was fun. And crazy. My fingers started going numb in the second fireside I was so nervous. I don’t know if you know this, but playing the flute with numb fingers is very difficult. That’s okay. 
I played a medley called He Lives! And with it I read the scripture from Doctrine and Covenants section 76 verse 22;
And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: Thathe lives!
I know for myself that Christ lives. He is the one that we can always depend on and if we follow his example we will be lead to safety. I really am so happy to be on my mission. It’s hard. It is really hard. But it’s only for a short time. I’m going to be so sad on the day I have to remove my tag, but for now I wear it with pride because I know that I am an official representative of Christ. How cool is that? I hope y’all have a great week! I love you!!
Sister Gale
*Blitz: /blits/
When a bunch of missionaries get together in one area to concentrate the efforts and find more people to teach.

S’more s’mores. {July 21, 2014}

Dear telephones and staplers,

Can I just say how thankful I am for the temple? Sister King and I went to the temple this Thursday FINALLY. We needed to recharge our spiritual batteries. We felt as though we were running on 5% and were blinking red. That’s not good as a missionary! Everything seemed so much more dramatic when our batteries were low. Now we are functioning human beings. Yessssss.
This week we visited the sister in the retirement home that was asking for us. She didn’t have her hearing aid in though so that made it interesting….I had to yell to invite her to be baptized. I’m sure that not very many missionaries can say they yelled at someone asking if they’d like to be baptized. The traveling Sister Training Leader, Sister McKnight, was thoroughly entertained. She said she hasn’t experienced anything like that yet on her mission and she’s going home at the end of this transfer.
Speaking of transfers! We get calls this Thursday. Now. I’ve been in Ammon for about six months and in interviews with my mission President this past week it sounds as if I need to be prepared to leave. That’s okay. I LOVE this area. I love my people here, but I also wouldn’t mind experiencing other parts of my mission. We will have to wait and see!! The suspense is killing me! (not really killing. I can wait)
Not much else happened this week. I’ll be playing for the musical fireside on my flute for the visitors center on Sunday. I’ll be playing a medley of songs about Christ called “He Lives!” I love preforming so I’m excited. I need to practice more, but I’m excited. 
We did take some pictures of a really cute wedding reception (don’t worry, we didn’t crash another wedding. The stuff was just set up)
I think it’s cute. My favorite part???

​Quoting the best movie ever? Bronus points!!! (bonus+brownie points)…The movie is The Princess Bride be-tee-dubs.


My companion drew a picture of Christ for practice. She is ashamed on how terrible it is. I’m ashamed that she thinks this is even remotely bad!!!

And a shameless-selfie because I really don’t know what to take pictures of 200% of the time…

I guess this brings us to the spiritual thought of the week…
Fun fact: I usually never know what I want to do for a spiritual thought. I just choose something and go with it.
So I love the NewEra magazine Mormonads. They’re great. This week I’ll share one about attitude….
The scripture (Proverbs 15:13) says…
A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.
Sounds like a Confucius say quote thing, doesn’t it? But it’s a good thing to remember. Doing service and turning out from yourself really will make you happier. The best way to be happy is to share the love of Christ with others.
I’ll share another mormonad just because I like it….


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.
Look at that sad Elder with no mail… should write to the missionaries you know! Even if you’re not best friends with them or whatever, they’ll really appreciate a letter from home. Just sayin’
I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Sister Gale


Baby Dolls and Guinea Pigs {July 14, 2014}

Dear Hugabunch and G-Force,

(Sometimes I think about the Hugabunch and I just get freaked out. I can’t believe that was a child’s show. Does anyone else remember those dolls and the movie? Yikes!)
Anyways. I’m not all in the mood to write this up, but as a devote blogger (haha. whatever), I have a duty to update it. Yeah. 
OH DARN! I just thought of a picture I wanted to take. Oh well. It’s just of rice anyways. 
I gave a training in district meeting on Tuesday about Find when you Teach, Teach when you Find and I thought about the importance of one. Let me show you. So if there is one person that we’re teaching they have a family. Lets say there is a mom, dad, brother and sister. So that one turns into 5. But each of those family members know at least 2 people that don’t know about the gospel, right? So the 5 turns into 13….let me show you a visual….

​okay. so it looks ridiculous. That’s okay. but! Look at this! That ONE person became an army of over 2000!

(I think I shared this scripture already. I don’t care).
A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the Lord will hasten it in his time.
That “little one” can literally become a thousand easily. When missionaries ask you who do you know don’t you DARE say you don’t know anyone. That little name that pops in your head could be the little one that brings thousands of souls to Christ. 
Yesterday, my companion and I had the opportunity to teach the Relief Society lesson on baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost and we invited our recent convert and friend, Sammie, to talk about her baptism. She is only 14 years old but her testimony is so strong. She made the women cry, and it wasn’t even her ward! (she’s even made grown men cry. she’s pretty much the best). She is just one young woman, but she wants to serve a mission. She is just one, but she will bring thousands to our Savior. 
I love my friends here. Love, love, love. I get the meet so many people. It’s awesome. This week we had dinner with a family (I will disclose no names for their safety) but they are the FUNNIEST family I’ve eaten with in a LONNNGGG time. Their almost 8 year old son likes baby dolls. No. No. like he REALLY likes them. He has 31 baby dolls total, all of them have names, and he knows all of their names. The best part is that the entire family knows all the names as well (they even make videos) and the dad is a therapist. I was laughing so hard. You don’t even know. One of the babies’ name was David and he is loosing his eye. The only thing I could think is dang. If only he lost his eye then he wouldn’t have had that problem with Bathsheba. But David and Delilah are in love. The kids made a music video with them in it with Hey there Delilah playing the in background. I can’t even.
And then yesterday we went over to a family asking them to invite their neighbor for lessons. The kids were playing with the neighbors tiny puppies and then they brought out the guinea pigs and one of them scurried up the littlest boy’s basketball shorts. It was funny. Poor kid. 
The work is going well and there is a lot of build up happening. Things are about to go down here in Ammon (down into the waters of baptism that is!). A lady even REQUESTED for us because she said it was about time she got baptized! My companion and I took a look at what we were doing and we noticed some things we wanted to change to be more exactly obedient and after we made those changes, the lady requested for us. Sacrifice bring blessings, yo! 
I love you and hope you have a great week! Sorry no fun photos.
Sister Gale

nothing witty in my brain today {July 7, 2014}

Dear [plural noun] and [plural noun],

So this week was the 4th of July annnddd I have a lot of photos. Kind of. 
Well…first let me show you how great the Book of Mormon really is….

​You see…we use it to hold up a rod to hang a curtain on because Idaho (like most of the world) is silly and doesn’t understand that Day Light Savings is dumb and so the sun isn’t set until about 10pm. Our bedtime is 10:30. Yup.

Random field of farmness for my Dad….

​I don’t get the sprinklers. Why don’t they irrigate? Eh.

Dooms day….”End of the World” (My sister Melly always talks about her end of the world dreams and stuff)…


​That thing was hard to make. I didn’t really understand the instructions. I did my own thang (Yes. Thang)

And a drawing that I did this time (copying Sister King’s style)…

​Look at me go with my ukulele (“small guitar” “violin” etc. etc. Don’t people know what ukuleles are?)

Mustashe photos (courtesy of my family for sending a fun 4th of July package. I think they were just wanting photos haha)


​AND NUTELLLA! Oh my heavens. This is what Ambrosia tastes like…


Now the 4th of July photos…
My makeup…
{and now a cartoonish version I did}
In the car on the way to the fireworks with my companion (photobombed by my little friend, Shaylee)…


Sitting on the famous potato bench thing….

a million fireworks….
untitled-1848 untitled-1845 untitled-1843 untitled-1839 untitled-1838 untitled-1830
And the temple!

​(ooooo ahhhhhh)

Anyways. We had a good week as you can tell. We were able to see my mom’s high school friend again this week. She gave me a hug and a bag with skirts in it. AND MINI CADBURY EGGS. I love those things. I love chocolate.
We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows with the other sisters that our sister training leaders cover. We walked ALL the way around the river (well. bridge to bridge), got ice cream (reed’s dairy guys. best stuff ever. Apparently their chocolate milk has POTATO FLAKES IN IT. Only in Idaho), saw some not-so-great break dancers (that was just funny. They were mildly terrible. Not that I can say much. I can’t dance to save my life), and had lots of fun.
Today’s little thought comes from Joseph Smith in History of the Church
“As you increase in innocence and virtue, as you increase in goodness, let your hearts expand, let them be enlarged towards others; you must be long-suffering, and bear with the faults and errors of mankind.
“How precious are the souls of men!”
Something I keep thinking about is how much more I love people now. I thought I was very loving before my mission, but now I love SO much more. I see more people like I see my two sweet sisters with Joubert Syndrome; not as there are but as they will be. None of us are perfect so we can’t expect anyone else to be. We just need to know that we are all brothers and sisters and learn to treat each other as such. I love my friends in Idaho. I love talking to them about our Savior, Jesus Chirst, and our Heavenly Father. I love talking to them as my siblings and all the families that have accepted me as their own. Being a missionary is AWESOME. If you can go, GO. If you can’t then be the best missionary you can be at home. “If you’re not a full-time missionary with a missionary badge pinned on your coat, now is the time to paint one on your heart—painted, as Paul said, “not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God”” (It’s a Miracle. Elder Andersen).
I love you all and hope you have a fantastic week!
Sister Gale

Sometimes I Can’t Help but Think I’m an Idiot {June 30, 2014}

Dear Americans and non-Americans,

Well…remember how we got bikes last week…well…

​This drawing (© Sister King) is quite accurate. You see. I fell off my bike. But was it a normal fall? Of course not! Is anything ever normal with me? I think NOT. Anyways. I was trying to get off the bike (it’s a boy’s bike) andddd I tripped over the bar so I fell over. But then I did a backwards somersault. Into the weeds. Apparently some members in our District Leader’s ward thought I was hit by a car. But they didn’t pull over to help. Luckily someone did pull over to help us get the chain back on though! That was nice. I don’t think I’ve ever done a backwards somersault. I’m not sure if I want to do that again. Ehhh..

I also have a photo of me being all me and stuff. Mostly just to show off my blonde hair…
It’s kind of ridiculous on how blonde my hair got from using the Sun-In spray! I’m still using it. I’m impressed with how light my hair can get.
This week was just kind of weird though. Some of our members bought my companion a ukulele and so now both of us can jam while walking down the street. We’re going to be famous. Just you wait. More famous than those Restoration Cups Sisters. We’ll be the Uke Sisters. Yeah buddy.
I think my family will be annoyed with how short I’m doing this email but…it’s a short Pday sooooo I have things to do and people to teach!
My quote today is from Henry B. Eyring in the May 2005 Ensign…
“We need strength beyond ourselves to keep the commandments in whatever circumstance life brings to us. … The combination of trials and their duration are as varied as are the children of our Heavenly Father. No two are alike. But what is being tested is the same, at all times in our lives and for every person: will we do whatsoever the Lord our God will command us?” 
We all have trials, and that’s normal! But we still need to carry on and do our best. The Lord will strength us and as long as we keep pushing forward, we cannot fail. 
Have a great week everyone! Happy 4th of July!!
Sister Gale

From Heaven to Hail {June 23, 2014}

Dear Tevye and Golde,

I was trying to decide if I should head this newsletter based off of Fiddler on the Roof or mention something of the weather. I asked Sister King and she giggled at the pun, so I went with the weather.
But really. This week was strange (if my life was animated it would show me saying strange but the words would be all wiggly….like this…)

​Really. I was wearing a coat and scarf. In June. When I got called to Idaho I didn’t know that is was in the Southern Hemisphere where it’s winter in June (that was a joke). I didn’t really take a picture with me in my coat because it was raining (and hailing) cats and dogs. But when the weather did clear up I did take a picture of one of the Alien dandelions that they have up here.

{Normal pic}
{Colored painting version}
{and last a BW painting version}
I can’t handle it. Well. Okay. Literally I can. But metaphorically! These things are HUGE. It’s freaky! I don’t know what they are or why they are here. All I know is that I don’t think that they work any better than the Earthly sized dandelions for wishing. I’ll just stick to praying I guess. 
But hail man. That stuff does not feel good on bear legs. 
After being hailed on and not knowing where to go we went over to one of the many old folks homes in our area to help out. We went in they told us to go down the hall and take a right and at the end of that hall was a locked door was had to buzz to get open. We were put in the “Memory Care” area. Oh man that was a hoot and a half. An old man flirted with me. That was just uncomfortable. Funny. But uncomfortable. 
Then on Friday night we saw Fiddler on the Roof. As the Good Book says IT WAS GOOD. I can’t get out the Mazel tov song out of my head. Probably because the only part I know “blessing on your house MAZEL TOV MAZEL TOV” Ahhhhh! And my little friend Conner that I mentioned last week got really scared when Tevye was yelling at Hodel and he thought he was actually mad so he wanted to call his sisters (who were backstage) to get out of there away from the scary man. I love that family. 
But if you haven’t seen Fiddler on the Roof, do it. (Spoiler: The Fiddler is just an allegory). 
We TOTALLY crashed Elder Walkenhorst’s (the Greenie from the District 1) wedding brunch on Saturday (it was accident). Now we didn’t get to see him (okay. Once we found out it was his luncheon thing we kind of bolted out of there because that would just be weird), but WE WERE THERE! And the family offered us food. Sadly we already ate. BUT. HOW COOL IS THAT?!?! He’s missionary famous. We’re cool. I know.
Well. We’re borrowing some bikes. That’s fun. I just want to get on to the Spiritual thought though. 
It’s another video, because the Church puts out AMAZING videos.
I really like this video. It’s pretty new. But I can’t help but think that a trip like that would be fun. Just going around causing chaos…and by chaos I mean smiles. There are FAR too many Sunday Christians that are only Christians on Sunday, but is that really being a Christian? A Christian is a follower of Christ. How are YOU following Christ today? Who have you helped? I’m going to share another video (because I can) of a song that I think goes well with this idea…
(If you just want to skip to the song part go to 2:41 in the video, otherwise you can just listen to Alex Boye talk about the video).
But if you haven’t done anything today, “wake up! And do something more!”
I hope y’all have a great week! I love  you! 
Sister Gale

​(look at those cute baby ducks!!)

The mission address for the Idaho Pocatello Mission is changing on July first, so if you want to send me a letter please mail it to…
Sister Rebecca Gale
Idaho Pocatello Mission Office
135 South 7th Avenue
Pocatello, Idaho  83201

Yeee-hawww {June 16, 2014}

Dear Bulls and Heifers,

“What’d you do this week Sister Gale?”
“Whatever I felt like it! Gosh!!”
Actually. We saw a rodeo. A children’s rodeo. Funniest thing ever (well maybe not as funny as midget wrestling would be…but almost!…yes that’s a thing. One of our members said she went to it. I almost died when she said that. I can’t believe it’s a thing. This is a long side note. Sometimes I think I’m Jim Gaffigan). I didn’t take any photos because I am foolish. Actually. I don’t think I took any photos this week. Oops. That’s a darn shame. 
Here. I’ll draw y’all a very accurate doodle of it….

​See? The bull is angry and the little kid is wearing a cowboy hat and cute little chaps. I didn’t draw the helmet because I forgot until just now. #artist 

Anyways. This is a drawing of me playing my uke at a garage sale…

Everyone be in awe of my art. Yes. If you will notice the cardboard box in the bottom left side corner, it says “Free!” on it. Let me tell you what was in that box. Free books. Not just any book though. No no no. The BEST book ever, The Book of Mormon and pass-a-long cards and pamphlets about the message of the Restoration. We were helping out at a garage sale of one of the non-member ladies and we decided to bring a box over of free books. We don’t think anyone took a book, but they did look at them! Yeah! Do you know how many people were asking me if I was selling my uke though? Or uke lessons? I should have said “I’m not selling uke lessons, but I am giving away free lessons about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!” but I wasn’t quick enough to think about that.  In my defense though, the lady that we live with did wake us up before our alarm to get us to help at the garage sale. We got ready in 10 minutes to help and we were out doing missionary things 3.5 hours before we usually do. Excuses excuses. 

Oh. And we got our transfer information last week. I am staying in Ammon for at least one more transfer it seems! I’m okay with that. I get to see Fiddler on the Roof this week AND on the Forth of July I’ll be seeing “the best fireworks show west of the Mississippi.” Yeah buddy. 
Let me now tell you about my little friend, Conner. He is a 13 year old boy with Down Syndrome and he is ADORABLE. I can’t even handle it. He is a complete little gentleman (when we come over he pulls us inside and links arms with us and leads us to the couch then he’ll take my bag and hang it up in the coat closet). He also just loves one of my sisters with Joubert Syndrome, Nancy. She has a video on Youtube of her signing to the theme song from Signing Time with Alex and Leah and, according to his mom, he will watch it for 30 minutes straight every morning since I showed it to them, while waiting for the bus. He even signs with her a little. SO. CUTE. I love this kid. I was playing my ukulele for him and we were singing Primary Songs together. It was fun 🙂
My spiritual thought today is in Zechariah chapter 5 verse 1….
Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll.
Just kidding. I’m not going to talk about a Biblical food fight.
No. My real thought is this…
(it’s a video link. Click it!)
This is probably one of my absolute Mormon Message videos. It’s so perfect! Every time I watch it I can’t help think about my amazing parents. I love them so much and my testimony is where it is because of them. They not only teach me about the gospel, but even being away from them teaches me the Plan of Salvation even greater because when I return home from my mission I want my parents to be proud of the work I’ve done in my 18 months. The same goes to when I return to my Heavenly Father. Life is so short, before long our “4 minutes” will be over. I want my Heavenly Father to be proud of the work I did while on Earth. 
Missions really are the best thing in the world.
I love you all and hope you have a great week! That’s all for this week.
“T-t-t-t-that’s all folks!”
Sister Gale


I need a Trumpet Player {June 9, 2014}

Dear Hush Puppies and Naturalizers,

This week my cute little black shoes finally will be put to rest. I thought it’d be funny to send them down the canal in a little box and have Taps playing, but shoot. Those shoes are cute. I’m going to instead probably send them home to be bronzed. And by bronzed I mean have my family spray them with metallic spray paint. Because I feel like bronzing them is just a little ridiculous when you can just buy spray paint. 
Shoe pictures…
Look how much love these things had! Holes and worn down heels. They’re done!
Oh remember my tan line from two week ago? LOOK AT IT NOWWWW!!
I am so darn tan. It’s crazy. I know.
My last photo (sorry. I really need to get better at taking photos, I know). But, my last photo is of the BEAUTIFUL Mustang we see almost everyday…it’s painfully beautiful…

​(if my brother is reading this, he’s probably drooling now)

But yes. This week wasn’t too exciting or anything. We did get special permission to go to see Fiddler on the Roof because one of our investigators and her sister is performing in it. Huzzah! It’s doesn’t start until the 20th which is two days after transfers, so there is a chance that one of us won’t be able to see it.
Speaking of transfers, we get our calls this Thursday. Can y’all believe it’s transfer time already? I can’t. I didn’t even get sick this transfer. It’s a miracle! (In case you didn’t know, transfer calls is when we get voice mails from our mission president telling us where we will be serving for the next six weeks). Will I be transferred? If so, where will I go? What do YOU think? (This is getting all interactive like Dora the Explorer! haha).
I really don’t think I have anything to talk about this week though…soooo I’m just going to close with my spiritual thought and get on with my day because typing takes to much time…(yes yes woe is me. I have to type my letters. I also have hand writing letters to get out okay bubs! Jeez!)
“It is impossible for us to fail when we do our best when we are on the Lord’s errand.”
—M. Russell Ballard, “Put Your Trust in the Lord”
I don’t really know what to say about this, I just really like this quote. It just reminds me that if I’m trying my best, then I cannot fail. I don’t really like failing. I’ve only failed a few tests, so I’m glad that all I have to do is try my best and I’ll succeed. Pretty good deal to me.
Eh. Sorry this week is such a boring letter. I love you all and hope you’ll write me sometime. You’re awesome so stay awesome.
Sister Gale