E.T. (No Phone Home….yet) {December 15, 2014}

What the… {December 8, 2014}

Gobble Gobble! {December 1, 2014}

Short Pday… {November 24, 2014}

SNOW! Yessss. {November 17, 2014}

Is It Winter Yet? {November 10, 2014}

Hello Olaf and Sven! 

It’s starting to get chilly here in Idaho, but it’s not all that cold yet. I think this week it’s suppose to get cold. I don’t know. But anyways…I sound like an Idaho person…talking about weather and all…what the…
So it was a good week. We set a baptism date (!!!) with a girl named K’leigh (you might see her name spelled like “Kaylee” or “Kailey” or “Cailey”). She’s awesome. She told us her mom and sister were baptized recently so she wants to be baptized here in a couple of months. So we asked her about January, but she said “How about December?” UH. YEAH. So her date is for December 13th. Please pray for her. Thanksss!!!!!
What else?
Oh. Well. We have a TON of appointments this coming week. I think Sister Brough said we have eleven appointment! YEAH! We have so many appointments that we weren’t sure what to do yesterday because we pretty much have an appointment with almost everyone we’re teaching. That’s crazy! Ahhhh….blessings….
We had some Mexican food this week. And it was SO. GOOD. It was some random place right outside of Sugar. It was called….Taqueria or something? I don’t know. All I know is I want to go back. I got some chicken and rice plate (I asked the lady what her favorite dishes were, and this was one of them). It had mushrooms and it kind of reminded me of curry. YUM. I miss Mexican food. haha….Y’all back home need to have some today for me…
So funny story…well..it’s not much of a story…but! One appointment we had this week was with a girl that is a recent convert. She’s about 12 years old and LOVES Monster High. She started to show us her dolls and let me tell y’all. They’re actually pretty cool. Sister Brough and I are half tempted to get one, but then we’re like nahhhhhh. We want food. Sometimes I wonder if I’m actually 21. Probably not. I look like I’m 15 apparently. Oh well!
Photo Time!!
So this is a little blurry, but it’s a photo I took from our area of the Rexburg Temple. It’s pretty cool that we can see it all the time in our area.
And an elk that’s chillin’ on an elk farm…They’re kind of creepy sounding…
So I colored my hair again (by request of the Mission President’s wife). Here is a before…
Anndd after…It’s just darker and less red…I actually used Dollar Store hair dye…it’s not half bad! I mean it didn’t cover completely but I think I needed to leave it in longer than I did. Oh well. Good enough for me!
And the moon was lighting the clouds cool last night…
This week my spiritual thought is a little Disney. I love Disney. It’s great. Back in the Sister King-Era we were listening to some Disney stuff and Walt Disney’s voice came on. Both of us gasped and I said, “It’s like listening to the prophet!” 
I know. Terrible. But he’s like the prophet of the Disney faith (I don’t know what I’m talking about anymore). 
Actually. I change my mind. This was going to take too much explaining. 
Well here’s a good one from Nephi! (1 Nephi 11:17)
 17 And I said unto him: I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things.
I love Nephi. He’s a great teacher. He starts with what he knows and goes from there. Nephi had a lot of trials. I mean goodness! His brothers tried to kill him! But he learns from his trials because he knows that Heavenly Father loves him. 
I’m going to copy something I found on LDS.org about this verse…

Early in the Book of Mormon, an angel asks Nephi a tough question,“Knowest

thou the condescension of God?” Nephi answers, “I know that heloveth his

 children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things”

(1 Nephi 11:16–17). 


Nephi’s answer is a perfect statement for us to remember in times of trial. We

don’t know the meaning of all things. We don’t have all the answers to explain 

all the tragedies in the world and in our own neighborhoods. However, we 

know, we are sure, that God loves His children. Something wonderful happens when we really know, without a doubt, that God loves us our questions completely change. Instead of asking, 

“Why did this happen to me?” or “Why doesn’t God care about me?” we say,

“Well, I know God loves me; I know that. So what can I learn from this



Sometimes we think our trials come because we did something wrong.That’s not always true. Adversity is simply part of earth life. From it we can grow and 

progress if we choose to. Yes, some trials come because of our own disobedience, but many trials are simply part of life.

The scriptures contain many examples of righteous people who suffered:

Abraham, Abinadi, Joseph of Egypt, Joseph Smith, and even Jesus Christ.The

 fact is, bad things happen to good people. Brother Truman G. Madsen once 

asked President Hugh B. Brown of the First Presidency (1883–1975)

why the Lord would put Abraham through the experience of being asked to

sacrifice his own son. Obviously God knew that Abraham would be willing to do anything God commanded, and if that was so, why did the Lord put him 

through such a test? President Brown answered, “Abraham needed to learn

something about Abraham” (Joseph Smith the Prophet[1989], 93).

God already knows what we’re made of, but perhaps He wants us to learn what we’re made of. I think we would all agree that we learn more from our tough 

times than from our easy times. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. We don’t know the meaning of all things, but we know God loves His children! 

And because He loves us, He will never desert us.

​Well. I know for myself that my Heavenly Father love me and each of you. He’s our Father! Don’t forget Him. 

I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Sister Gale

LET IT GOOO!!! LET IT GOOOOO!!! {November 3, 2014}

Dear Anna and Elsa,
I FINALLY SAW FROZEN. It is SO good! I went in already knowing Hans was bad….so that was dumb because it made it a little less exciting BUT I totally teared up a couple of times. I love my sisters! Goodness. 
We also watch Megamind. The Elders were laughing at me because I was freaking out about how close people were sitting next to each other in the movie and all that. Romance. Weird stuff. 
On Thursday night, Sister Brough and I went with the other sisters in our district to the Haunted Mill. We went with some of their members. It was way fun.  It was the first spook alley thing I’ve ever done. The chainsaw girl scared me….mostly because she kind of just stood in front of me. She saw my name tag so she was confused then she realized I was missionary so she took of her mask and we started talking about missions. She just got her call for Canada so she was excited to talk to us. We sang hymns and primary songs as we went along. Sister Blankenship offered to get one of the guys a Priesthood blessing to cure whatever was going on with his face. That was pretty funny. I bet the kid under the mask was entertained. 
We had interviews this week with our mission president. We’re not getting iPads until after the first of the year. So we’ll see if I’ll get one. But if not, that’s fine. 
I don’t think I took any photos this week….oops! But I’ll be coloring my hair…again. My mission president’s wife said she’d like it if I made it match my hair more (not that it’s not bad. My roots were just starting to come in a little. I was planning on fixing it soon anyways. Might as well do it before the mission tour!).
This week’s thought I’m stealing from the mission newsletter…
“Sometimes answers to prayer are not recognized because we are too intent on wanting confirmation of our own desires.”
                                                                                 Richard G. Scott
I feel fantastic! I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Sister R. Gale

I Think…It Broke….? {October 27, 2014}

​So it was kind of boring week. That happens. Not every week is filled with excitement. Oh well! But we had Stake Conference this weekend. Saturday went great, Sunday? Ehhh. Still great but very different. You see it was being sent over via satellite to our different buildings in the stake and….the satellite feed dint’ work. Woops! So the High Councilmen talked some and after about an hour they basically just told us all to go home…It was very different haha. 
I again didn’t take many photos. Ehh. I have a photo of a creepy apartment complex in Teton….
And a weekly selfie…
Hmmm…what else to talk about?? I forgot my planner back home so I don’t have my notes haha…oops…
But I do have an interesting thought this week from the first night of Stake Conference. It’s about growing good corn. You see, there was this man that grew AWESOME corn. Blue ribbon at state fair and all that jazz. So a reporter was asking how he was able to grow such amazing corn and he said he shared the seed corn with his neighbors. How could that be? How could he afford to share his seeds with his neighbors? Well, he told the reporter that because the wind blew, the pollen from his neighbors’ fields pollinated his crops. If they had inferior pollen then eventually the cross-pollination of the inferior corn would contaminate his crops and make them not as fantastic. 
Now taking it to the gospel.
Why do we share the gospel with our neighbors? Because we want to give them the chance to “Come and See” what we have. 
“The Church of Jesus Christ always has been and always will be a missionary church” (Elder Bednar). 
I know that if you want to feel lasting joy, share what you have! 
Have a great week everyone! I love you! 
Sister Gale

BAPTISM!!!!!!!!!! {October 20, 2014}

Sweet Potatoes! (Well…Russets…) {October 13, 2014}

Hey Y’all!

Okay. So today we’re at the public library and it has a timer so again I am limited on my time. But that’s okay! I’ll start with photos 🙂
The computer doesn’t reconize my SD card….
OH. Okay. It’s good (monologue over…)
We went to look at the Teton Dam…
There’s not much to it…oh well! It’s in New Dale…not Teton…and Teton isn’t really even all that near to the Tetons…oh well

HUGEE full moon (not Full House)

An “open range” (I’ve never heard anyone call an oven a range??)…

A farm with a bug…
Cool tire swing…

Anddd Spud Harvest….!!
This is the combine dumping the taters into the truck….
These are a million of the tater trucks…
Taters coming off of a conveyor belt…
And a look inside of a potato cellar….HOLY POTATOES BATMAN!

As you can see…there were a lot of potatoes. It was great. We got to take some home. I’ve been cooking them for breakfast. Yumyum (my companion really appreciates the cooking skills I acquired in my past life)
And a happy selfie (my hair isn’t quite that bright. It’s coming out a lot more red in photos….Ehhh!)
untitled-2181 untitled-2181-2
We are looking forward to a baptism this weekend!!! 🙂 Annnndd nothing is changing for transfers (oh. we had transfer calls a week early). Ummm. Yeah. Okay. I’m going to save my cool thought for next week. It’s a story that Hank Smith told. I love y’all! Sorry for not saying much…butttt oh well! 🙂 Have a great week!
Sister Gale